Here are at HQ we often think about branding.  Branding T-shirts and branding our name T-Shirt TV®.  Since 2004 we have been embedding video screens into fashion to create experiences people remember.  However, they can never get our name right. Why is that?   We have been called everything from boob tube to most recently Motion Graphic Tee. On Entrepreneur Magazine, of all places, after providing paperwork with our name all over it,  why do they still get it wrong and call it Motion Graphic Tees?  Here is an example from our recent feature on Entrepreneur magazine.

Motion Graphic Tee

The clothing we create plays audio and video.  Fashion meets function.  Video screen aprons, LCD shirts, TV apron. Are they called tees or ts, t-Shirts, or t shirt, or tee shirt?   It does not matter what they call it.  It is T-Shirt TV®, or TV Shirt. If you are in the market for a way to use your commercials, movie trailers, video clips, motion graphic etc to promote your business a wearable video T-Shirt TV® may be the right option for you.  Its wearable and light, iPad are heavier and more expensive. Contact us to have your team uniformed in custom video or motion graphics display shirts.